Due to the difference between the way that different programs print PICT files, you may not get an accurate print out of a Claris CAD drawing if you print it from a word processor or page layout program. It will be most obvious if you have objects of different types lined up in a drawing. If your drawing is made up completely of lines, then you can avoid it by cutting and pasting and saving as PICT.
If you have different types of objects in your drawing, take the following steps:
1) Set divisions per inch to 72 in the Rulers dialog of the drawing. Draw with the Autogrid on.
2) Group the entire drawing before copying or saving as PICT.
MacDraw Pro ships with a filter that allows you to save as an EPSF file. This filter will also work with Claris CAD 2.0v3 or later and is available on request. This will solve the shifting polygon anomaly as long as the destination of the drawing is a program that will accept EPSF files.