MacDraw Pro: Importing MacWrite II Documents

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Two problems are known importing / Opening / Placing MacWrite II documents:

1) Dates that are formatted with the month name displayed first (e.g., Jun 25, 1989 or June 25, 1989) will open into MacDraw Pro with the day of the week inserted at the beginning of the date.

2) The line spacing of text may not exactly match that of the same text in MacWrite II, even though the line spacing indicator shows the same value. The spacing difference varies with the font and size. For example, the following is single line spacing:

Font MacDraw Pro MacWrite II
Times 12 13 point 12 pt.
Times 24 26 point 21 pt.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012