Following is a list of solutions, in order of most common to least common. Try the solutions one at a time, restarting the application after each solution to see if the issue is fixed. If the behavior persists, quit the application, and try the next solution.
* Quit the application if it's running. Look for files called "XTND Translator List" and "Claris XTND Preferences." If you're using System 7, these files are in the Preferences folder, which is inside the System Folder. If you're using System 6, these files are in the Claris folder, which is inside the System Folder. If either or both of these files are present, trash them.
Note: ClarisWorks Office 5.0 deletes this file as part of the installation process. The file is then rebuilt when you launch ClarisWorks. However, if you have subsequently installed additional translators, such as MacLink Plus, included with OS 8, and the behavior occurs, try trashing this file.
* Verify that the translator files are installed properly. If you have installed the application using the installer program, you should see that these files have been installed correctly. You should see a folder inside the System Folder named "Claris". Inside the Claris folder, you should see a file called "Claris XTND System" and a folder called "Claris Translators". (Notes: if you're using MacWrite II, you won't have a Claris XTND System file. If you're using ClarisWorks 1.0, you should see an additional file inside the Claris folder called "ClarisWorks Translators" in the Claris folder). If any of these files are not present, run the Installer. Do a regular (not a Custom) install.
* Inside the System Folder, look for a duplicate copy of the Claris XTND System file. If found, trash it.
* A system extension or INIT may be conflicting with the Claris XTND System. If you have System 7, Restart your Macintosh and hold down the shift key until you see the message "Extensions off." If you have System 6, create a new folder on your hard drive, drag System, Finder and the Claris folder into it, and Restart your computer. To solve the situation, you'll have to try one INIT or Extension at a time, by trial and error.
*Create a new folder on your hard drive at the same level as the System Folder (in the hard drive window). Move everything from the real System Folder (EXCEPT Preferences Folder) to Untitled Folder and restart your computer. If this solves the situation, then move any required preferences files (QuickMail, etc) from the old System Folder's Preferences Folder into the new Untitled Folder's Preferences Folder. Note: you will not be able to copy the Finder Preferences. Throw away the old System Folder and old Preferences Folder; then change the name of the Untitled Folder to "System Folder."
* This is an alternative to the previous method of moving everything but Preferences into another folder. In the Finder, go to your main (top level) hard drive window. Create a new folder, which will be titled "untitled folder" or "empty folder". Open your System Folder. Drag these items into the untitled folder: Finder, System, any System Enablers and the Claris folder. Restart the computer. Run your Claris application and attempt to translate a file. If successful, quit the application. Open the untitled folder, then drag the Finder, System, any System Enablers and the Claris folder back into the original System Folder. Also, in the untitled folder, you'll see a newly created Preferences folder. Open it. You'll see a file called XTND Translator List. Drag this file into the Preferences folder inside your original System Folder. Restart the computer, then trash the untitled folder. Note: if these steps solve the situation, there may be an issue with the Desktop and/or directory files on your ha
rd drive. Rebuild the desktop by holding down the command and option keys while restarting the computer. Install System Update 3.0, a system updater from Apple available from the usual sources for Apple system software. Then run Disk First Aid and/or Norton Disk Doctor. Disk First Aid is included on the System Update 3.0 disk. Instructions are included in your computer's owners manual.
* If XTND filters have been added to the Claris Translators folder while MacDraw Pro or MacWrite Pro is running, those new filters will not be listed in the pop-up menus in the Open, Insert, Place or Save dialog boxes. To list these newly added filters, select the Translators icon in Preferences, then click on the Update XTND List button.
* Under System 7, versions of Adobe Type Reunion earlier than 1.0.2 will cause the XTND translators to not appear in preferences.
* MacWrite Pro Only:
If you install MacWrite Pro 1.0v2 or earlier to a drive that is not the startup drive, such as an external hard drive or a server volume, the XTND translators will not function. Even if the files are all installed in the correct location in the application folder (not in a System Folder on the non-startup drive), the translators will not function. The solution is to update to MacWrite Pro 1.0v4 or later. A workaround is to copy the XTND files to your computer's Claris folder, inside the System Folder.