Claris Resolve: Split Screens and Multiple Views

Does Claris Resolve have a 'split-screen' feature?

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Claris Resolve handles the need for split screens in a more versatile manner than other spreadsheet programs. Claris Resolve allows you to open the same spreadsheet multiple times and set them as views. You can then toggle the views back and forth using the mouse or by selecting an item from the 'View' menu.

Multiple screens allow you to lock Title cells vertically in one screen and horizontally in another.

Multiple screens allow you to hide tools on one view and keep them visible in another.

Multiple screens allow up to 32 views open at the same time (under system 7; 16 views under system 6.x).

Note: Clicking on the Grow Icon zooms all views of that spreadsheet.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012