MacDraw Pro, Claris CAD: Long Dashed Lines in EPSF

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Long dashed lines with short dashes saved as EPSF from MacDraw Pro 1.0v1 or Claris CAD cause a Postscript error when printed. This is an issue with the EPSF XTND filter (version 1.0) available with MacDraw Pro 1.0v1 and Claris CAD 2.0v3.

Workaround: try using a line with longer (hence, fewer) dashes. Or, create two or three lines overlapping end-to-end, instead of a single line. (In Claris CAD, try using the cutting tool to cut the line into two or more segments.)
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012