Claris Resolve: Totaling Time Adds Up to More than 24 Hours

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
When I add or sum up hours in Claris Resolve, the total is less than it should be. What is going on?

If the total should be more that 24 hours, the information below will apply to you.

Claris Resolve stores time as a percentage of a day. So 2 hours and 40 minutes is stored as .1111, while 26 hours and 40 minutes is 1.1111. When the hours format is applied to a number greater than 1, only the decimal value used.

Here are some formulas that account for both the integer and decimal portions of the value:

Will display the total time in this format: 25:23:22 - (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)

Will display the total time in this format: 25:23 - (Hours:Minutes)

Will display the total time in this format: 153:45 - (Minutes:Seconds)

Explanation: These formulas calculate a sum of the range of times you wish to add, multiplies it by 24 and takes the integer, which peels off the decimal. This correctly calculates the total number of hours in the range. A colon is then added and the minutes and seconds are added to the end using the ATime function.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012