Claris Resolve: 32k Maximum Allowed in Text Fields

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
This issue has been corrected in Claris Resolve 1.0v3

Text fields and object scripts (buttons and fields) in Claris Resolve can have a maximum of 32k of information per object.

There is another issue, however, relating to this limit. Claris Resolve will allow you to put more than 32k in an object but will not warn you! Once the file is saved and closed, you will not be able to reopen the file.

Files saved by WingZ or saved in the WingZ format will not exhibit this issue when opening in Claris Resolve. The reason? We do not check the contents of objects when converting a WingZ file. This is not to say that WingZ does not have the same 32k limit, they just fail to check for it when opening their files.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012