Claris Resolve: Confusion About Negative Text Color

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The manual's explanation of the Negative Text Color option in the Set Formats dialog is incorrect and misleading.

Negative text color cannot be "Turned off." A value is always stored for negative text color. You can set the Negative Text color to the same color as your normal text but this is not the same turning it off. If the normal text color is changed, the negative color will remain the same.

The check box next to the Negative option in the Set Formats dialog box does not turn the Negative Text Color off as stated in the manual. This check box tells Claris Resolve whether or not to apply the currently chosen color (in the pallet) to ALL the cells in the selected range.

For example:
If you select a range that has different Negative Text Colors specified, checking the box would apply whatever color is selected in the pallet to ALL the cells in the selected range. Unchecking the box would leave the the text color(s) the same (i.e. different cells would remain different).
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012