Issue: When printing a document with a polygon, a LimitCheck error is generated.
Solution: Divide the polygon in half, and have it display and print the same way as the original:
1) Select the polygon. You might want to copy it to a new document so that it is easier to work on.
2) Duplicate the polygon.
3) Hit Reshape (command-R) from the Edit menu and click on one of the copies of the polygon.
4) Mentally choose a point (vertex) near the middle of the polygon; that is, so that there are approximately the same number of points on either side. Draw an arrow to the point if you wish.
5) Drag the Reshape cursor around all of the points on the left (or top) of the point you have mentally chosen, NOT including that point itself. Hit the delete key.
6) Click on the other copy of the polygon to select it. Drag the Reshape cursor around all of the points on the right (or bottom) of the point you have mentally chosen, NOT including that point itself. Hit the delete key.
7) You now have two polygons, one with the all of the points on the left (or top) and one with all of the points on the right (or bottom). They both have the point that you have chosen as one of the endpoints, so just move one of the polygons so that that point overlaps.
8) The polygon appears as it did originally , but it is now two separate polygons. It will be OK to group them. Since each polygon has about half of the number of vertices of the original, it should print without generating the LimitCheck error.