Claris CADL: Document Printing "Clipped" to Color QMS Printer

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Issue: When I print my document on a QMS Colorscript color Postscript printer, the objects at the edge of the page are clipped off.

Solution: The printable area for the QMS color printers is smaller than the default printable area encoded into the LaserWriter print driver. For example, the top margin of the Colorscript printer is almost 1 inch, whereas the top margin of the LaserWriter driver is about 1/4". When MacDraw and Claris CAD calculate the page breaks for a drawing, they use the printable area as defined in the LaserWriter driver. Thus, documents printed to the QMS Colorscript printers may be clipped unless you take certain precautions.

First, the drawing size should be limited to one page vertically. This is because there is no way to increase the top margin to match the printer.

Second, do not place any objects in the top 3/4" or so of the page. This area will be clipped when printed.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012