ClarisWorks: AppleWorks File Conversion

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The following AppleWorks files can be opened from within ClarisWorks:

* AppleWorks 2.0 and later Word Processing, Data Base and Spreadsheet files
* AppleWorks GS Word Processing files (for DataBase files save to DIF or ASCII format and for SpreadSheet documents save to SYLK or ASCII format before following the steps below)

The easiest way to convert AppleWorks files is to use a 3.5-inch floppy disk and Apple File Exchange. Apple File Exchange is a file transfer utility which is included in the Macintosh system software. 3.5-inch floppy disk drives are standard equipment with the Apple II GS and the IIc+ and are also available for the IIe and IIc from your Apple dealer.

Once your AppleWorks files are saved on an 800K, 3.5-inch disk, any Macintosh with a high density 3.5" drive, also called a SuperDrive or FDHD, can transfer them to Macintosh format.

To use Apple File Exchange:

1. On the Macintosh, launch the Apple File Exchange application by double-clicking on its icon.

2. Insert your AppleWorks data disk in the disk drive.

Directories of the destination disk (left side) and source disk (right side) appear in the Apple File Exchange window.

3. Under the ProDOS to Mac menu at the top of the window choose Default Translation. Make sure that no other items in this window are checked.

4. Select the AppleWorks files to be transferred from their directory.

5. Either choose an existing folder on the destination disk for the files or create a new one by clicking the New Folder button. At the prompt, name the new folder.

6. Click Translate.

The AppleWorks files you selected will be translated to Macintosh files. You may either translate more files, or choose Quit from the File menu. Your disk will be ejected when you quit.

Opening the files with ClarisWorks:

When you wish to open your AppleWorks files in ClarisWorks, launch ClarisWorks, choose Open from the File menu, and navigate to the folder which contains your translated files and select it by clicking on its name.

When the Open dialog box appears, click on the Import Options flag. This will reveal a sub-menu of file types which can be imported by ClarisWorks 1.0. When you select the type of document you wish to open, a list of available files of that type will appear. NOTE: If you are using ClarisWorks 2.0 then the Open Dialog box will not have an Import Options flag but instead there will be a pop-up menu that allows you to choose the file type you wish to import.

Choose the desired converted file(s) by clicking on its name and then click the Open button.

When converted files are saved, they are saved as ClarisWorks files and have a ClarisWorks Icon.

Apple File Exchange can also be used to convert ASCII (text) files in ProDOS format, as well as MS-DOS ASCII (text) files and some MS-DOS word processing files. Once converted, these files can be imported into ClarisWorks.

For more information about Apple File Exchange, consult the reference materials which came with your Macintosh.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012