MacDraw II adds the following features to ClarisWorks 2.0:
Multiple Object Based Rulers
Posted Notes
Unlimited Layers
Object Libraries
Adds Lower, Upper, and Title Styles
Set Named Views of the Drawing
Put Custom Pen Sizes in Menu
Free Rotation to any Angle
Edit Rotated Text
Customizable Dashed Lines
Customizable Arrow Heads
Autosize Lines that Display their Length
Document Size Grows to Show Entire Drawing
Fit to Window Command
Corner to Corner or Center to Corner Drawing Methods
Spell as you Type
Ability to Print with either Color or Black and White Patterns
In addition to the list above, MacDraw II adds the following features to ClarisWorks 1.0:
Rescaling Feature
Presentation Support
Custom Font Styles in Menu
Pattern Editing
Show Size of Objects
Spell Check Selection
MacDraw Pro 1.5 adds the following features to ClarisWorks 2.0:
MacDraw II Features
More Color Support
Precise rotation
Scale rulers
EPSF write (as well as read)
Letter Spacing Control (kerning)
In addition to the list above, MacDraw Pro adds the following features to ClarisWorks 1.0:
Bezier Curves
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