Claris Resolve: Open Window Limitation

How to get around the 32 open window limitation in Claris Resolve. Not recommended for the faint of heart (or for those not experienced with ResEdit.)

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Claris Resolve 1.0vX is limited to opening 32 windows at a time. This would be a reasonable limitation if weren't for the fact that when Claris Resolve opens a WingZ file with scripts, it will create a new window for each script it encounters that is _attached_ to the WingZ file. If there are more than 32 such scripts, Claris Resolve will stop opening the file with a "Too many windows" dialog box.

Claris Resolve 1.1 has a resource (MxWn) which can be edited to allow more than 32 windows to open. Increasing this setting, however, will require that more memory to be allocated to the program. This is because more window handles must be allocated at startup to reduce the danger of memory fragmentation. The resource can be edited with a utility such as ResEdit and consists of a single hexadecimal number (20 Hex = 32 Decimal) representing the maximum number of windows allowed.

Extensive testing beyond 32 windows was not performed on this product so we do not guarantee this procedure, however, no issues were encountered in the limited testing that was performed. This procedure should be used AYOR (At Your Own Risk).
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012