MacDraw Pro: EPSF in PageMaker Missing Right Side

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
This is fixed in MacDraw Pro 1.5

PageMaker 4.0 has a issue with some EPSF files from MacDraw Pro 1.0. If an EPSF from MacDrawÊPro is placed in PageMaker 4.0, and the image has a rectangular border with a thin pen weight, the right side of the border will be missing in PageMaker. The top may be missing also. To recreate this, draw a box and give it a very thin pen weight, say .01 pt. Save as EPSF. Place into PageMaker. The EPSF will display and print incorrectly. The same image will display and print correctly from MacDraw Pro, PowerPoint, Persuasion and Freehand. One workaround seems to be to make the pen weight for the border thicker, say 1 point.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012