Claris Resolve uses the default application font (Geneva) as the default font for new worksheets. Sometimes, however, the system parameter that defines this font gets lost. When this occurs, Claris Resolve will generally use Chicago in the default point sizes.
To correct this situation, you need to Zap the PRam. This is performed several different ways depending on the version of the operating system and machine.
* Under System 7 - Hold down the Option-Command-P-R key sequence while the machine is booting. You must be very quick since this process occurs very early in the boot process. If performed successfully, the machine will sound a restart chime just as the Happy Mac icon appears then restart.
* Under System 6 - Highlight the Control Panel option under the Apple menu but don't release the mouse. Hold down the Shift-Option-Command sequence while releasing the mouse. You will get a dialog asking if you want to zap the PRam, click yes. The reason this procedure is so awkward is due to the fact that the option key will hide all the DA's (including the Control Panel) if it is held down when displaying the Apple menu. For this reason, you must wait until the Apple menu is already displayed before pressing this key.
* On a Macintosh Plus - The above two procedures work for all machines introduced since the Macintosh Plus. For the Macintosh Plus and older machines, zapping the PRam is simply a matter of removing the battery located above the power switch on the back of the case. You should properly shut down and unplug the machine before attempting this operation. Make note of the battery orientation prior to removal to ensure proper reinstallation.