Claris Resolve: Invalid Results from the Count Function

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The count function will not always return valid results if the range supplies as its argument contains other formulas. For example, if the range B1..B5 has a formula such as:

=If(A1 < 10,"",A1)

And cell B6 contains the function:


Claris Resolve will always return the value 5, even if some of the cell function's return nothing. Even if a formula returns nothing, the flag used by the count function still indicates that a value was returned (in fact, a value is returned - a null string).

One work-around is to use the database function DCount.

NOTE: Some users have complained that the count function in Excel does not behave this way. The Count function in Claris Resolve is distinctly different from Excel's in that is will correctly count text as well as number cells. Excel only counts numbers and ignores text cells.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012