Claris Resolve: Using Custom Functions

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Custom functions can be placed in a stand-alone script or in the Worksheet script of the document using the formula.

In both cases, the you must reference the name of the document along with the function. For example, if you create a script called "myScript" into which you include your "myAdd" function, you would reference it in the cell as follows:


If the script name has spaces in it, you must surround the reference (not including the arguments) with single quote marks:

='My Script:myAdd'(2,2)

If the function is in the worksheet script, you need to use the second method, replacing the script name with the worksheet name (this tells Claris Resolve to look for the function in a script instead of its built in functions). For example, if the worksheet name is INTERNAL SURVEY, the reference would read:

='INTERNAL SURVEY:myAdd' (2,2)

Lastly, if your function is in an external script file, that script file needs to be open when using the function. Use the GET SCRIPT command to load, but not run, the script into memory. This command will leave the script in memory until it is removed with the REMOVE SCRIPT command or the program is quit.

If you want to automatically load this script, place your GET SCRIPT command(s) in a script called "Startup" and place it into your Resolve Scripts folder. This script will automatically run when Claris Resolve is launched (if you are using the sample scripts provided with the program, follow the directions in the Read Me file to modify the included Startup script).
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012