Claris Resolve support external cell references and will convert them when opening an Excel (2.2) document. In order for this to work properly, however, you need to convert the worksheets in the correct order.
* First, convert the worksheet that is being referenced (not the worksheet that has the external references but the one from which the data is being looked up).
* Save this document with its original name. Do not change the name or leave the "(Converted)" appendage in the name.
* With the first worksheet(s) still open, convert the worksheet that contains the external references.
It is neccessary to open the worksheets in this order because Claris Resolve will assume the external references are script names if the referenced worksheet is not open at the time of conversion. Script references and external references look essentially the same but are stored and treated differently.
If you have a worksheet that was not converted properly, the easiest way to fix the issue is to reconvert the document using the above procedure. If the original documents are no longer available, open all the worksheets involved (referencer and referencee) and make some small change to each of the cell formulas that display an error message (adding then deleting a space after formula will usually suffice). This will cause the formula to be re-parsed. If the referenced worksheet is open, therefore, it will correctly identify it as an external reference.