Translators and Communications Tools may not be accessible immediately after installing ClarisWorks, ClarisDraw or ClarisImpact under System 7. These files are sometimes left in the Installer Temp folder and will not be moved into their proper locations until you restart the machine. When the Macintosh starts up again, the installation will be completed by the Installer Cleanup Init which puts them where they need to be.
In addition, if you have restarted your machine, and the translators are still not available, check the following:
1. The Claris folder is in the System Folder, and is named Claris.
2. The Claris XTND System is in the Claris folder.
3. The Claris Translators folder is in the Claris folder.
4. The translator files are in the Claris Translators folder, and are not compressed by any compression utility software.