Claris Resolve: Cell Fill Color Changing when Clicking in the Cell

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
This issue has been corrected in Claris Resolve 1.1

There is a new bug introduced in Claris Resolve 1.0v3 that causes repaint issues under the following conditions:

* A cell the the left of the affected cell is filled with a color, and
* It contains right-aligned text.

If these conditions exist, clicking in any blank cell to the right (in the same row) will cause that cell to be painted the color of the cell to the left. This only occurs with blank cells.

This condition did not exist in 1.0v2.

To Duplicate:
Fill A1..A10 with text, right-aligned, and fill the cells with a color.
Click in any cell to the right on A1..A10.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012