ClarisWorks: Publications Correction: Automatic Stationery

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
New versions of the documentation fix this error as of 5/92.

Page 2-25 of the ClarisWorks Handbook incorrectly states that you should name a stationery file "ClarisWorks <document type> Prefs" for it to open automatically when new documents are created. "Prefs" is incorrect. It should be "Options".

The correct names for Automatic Stationery files are:

ClarisWorks WP Options
ClarisWorks GR Options
ClarisWorks DB Options
ClarisWorks SS Options
ClarisWorks CM Options

Note: Saving a Macro file with the name ClarisWorks Macros will force ClarisWorks to automatically load these macros when it's first opened.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012