Claris Resolve: Issues with Non-U.S. Scripts

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
There are a few issues concerning the compatibility of the U.S. version with the German version of Claris Resolve. All Claris Resolve functions have been translated in the German version. For this reason, scripts written in U.S. version are not going to work in certain instances with the German version. This and what follow is also the case with the French version.


Scripts written in the U.S. version of Claris Resolve containing functions (e.g. Sum(), Left(), Contains(), Round()) will not work with the German version which expects: SUMME(), LINKS(), ENTHLT() and RUNDEN(). This ONLY applies to scripts that have been uncompiled, or scripts that have been saved as text. This is not an unreasonable limitation, as scripts are only text files, and to give Claris Resolve the ability to compile a (text) script that has been written in any language would be a major demand.


When you compile a script with no text,

COMPILE SCRIPT scriptname TO newscriptname NO TEXT

the function names within the script get stripped out and replaced with token numbers. The token numbers for the various functions are the same no matter what language they have been written in. This means that a US script will correctly run in the German version - with one limitation.

If a function is embedded in literal text, then it will not be tokenised when compiled. For example, if you have the following 1-line script in the US version

PUT Sum(1,2,3) INTO A1

and you compile it with no text, everything will be fine when you run it in the German version.

However =, if you compile the following in US version with no text,

PUT "=Sum(1,2,3)" INTO A1

you will get an error when you run it in the German version. The function Sum() will not be tokenised in this case because it is contained in a string.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012