Claris CAD: Arrows Dialog Locks up my Machine

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Q. When I bring up the "Arrows..." or "Line Styles..."dialog box my machine locks up. Sometimes the dialog doesn't appear fully on the screen. Sometimes I even see an error dialog. What is happening?

A. This should only happen when you have translated a file from Claris Graphics Translator. This happens because the arrow head size is scaled smaller then what Claris CAD can handle. The smallest arrowhead is .03 of an inch. A couple of work arounds are listed below.

1. Try to scale the drawing before coming into Claris Graphics Translator so the arrow heads are not scaled as dramatically. Note: Be sure to turn off the "Calculate object bounds" preference. You can find preferences under the "Layout" menu in Claris Graphics Translator.

2. Remove all arrow heads before translation by Claris Graphics Translator.

3. Copy and paste the information to a new Claris CAD file. This can be cumbersome if the document has several layers.

4. Save the document as a MacDraw II 1.1 file. Then re-open the file and save it back into Claris CAD format. This is less cumbersome than option 1, but can cause issues for users with arcs. The arcs may come back into Claris CAD slightly smaller than they were before. Please have users check for this issue if they choose to use this option.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012