Claris CAD, MacDraw: Pen Weights do not Print Correctly

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Issue: When printing to a Postscript LaserWriter, lines and polygons do not print with the correct pen weights. Some lines print thicker than others. What is the issue?

Claris CAD: If you have Claris CAD 2.0v3 and the EPSF translator that comes with MacDraw Pro, save the document as an EPSF file, open this file in another program, then print.

Lines: Claris CAD (any version), MacDraw II and MacDraw Pro print lines as QuickDraw objects. Thus, horizontal and vertical lines print at the correct pen width. Other lines, however, print slightly thicker than the line's defined pen weight.

Polygons: Claris CAD (any version) and MacDraw II 1.0 print polygons as QuickDraw objects. Thus, horizontal and vertical sides within a polygon print at the correct pen width. Other sides, however, print slightly thicker than the polygon's defined pen width. MacDraw II 1.1, although it prints polygons as QuickDraw objects, prints polygons with the correct pen width. However, the maximum number of printable vertices in a polygon is reduced. MacDraw Pro prints polygons as Postscript objects to a Postscript printer. Thus, all sides of a polygon print at a contstant width.
Printing an EPSF version of such objects bypasses these limitations.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012