Q .Is there a way I can rotate text in Claris Resolve? I want to place a horizontal heading along one of my columns of figures.
A. Although you won't find a rotate command in the menus, you can easily apply a short ResolveScript command to get the rotated heading you need.
Suppose you've got your series of figures in the range D2..D18. You want the heading "Before Discounts" to appear to the left of these values, in range C2..C18. Just type the following line into the Entry bar, and--this step is especially important--press Command-return at the end.
add text "Before Discounts" range C2..C18 text rotate on
You'll see the text "Before Discounts" appear, rotated 90 degrees. You can change the font, size, shape, color, location, etc., of this text to suit your needs. But you can't edit the text inside the object after it's placed.
Here's how it worked: When you pressed command-return, instead of the usual plain return, Resolve treated your entry as a script command, not a cell entry. (Any script command can be issued in this "interactive" fashion, similar to the way the HyperCard message box works.) The "add text" command creates a special kind of object called a "control." Controls are normally used only when you're writing a script, to create custom dialog boxes. Text you add with the usual method, the text tool, can be edited at any time, but not rotated. Text in controls can be rotated, but not edited.