This is to clarify the issue with date formatting in ClarisWorks running under non-US system software.
Issue: Dates in ClarisWorks which are formatted, don't retain the chosen format.
Solution: ClarisWorks looks to the System resources for its date formats. In the French Canadian System, dates are only recognized if they contain the leading zero in the day AND month portion of the date string. Example (using dd/mm/yy format):
"7/2/92" is not accepted by the system as a date string. The correct entry is "07/02/92".
NOTE: Users of French System software must NOT include the leading zero with the day entry but must include it with the month entry only. Example (using dd/mm/yy format):
"7/2/92" and "07/02/92" are incorrect. The correct entry in this case is "7/02/92".
In general, the date string entered by a user must match the date format in the itl0 resource in the system exactly.