ClarisWorks: How to Find Records in ClarisWorks

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
There are three methods for selecting records in ClarisWorks:

1. Find/Change command (Edit menu; Cmd-F/Ctrl-F). This searches all fields for the next occurrence of the word you specify.

2. Find command (Layout menu; Shift-Cmd-F/Shift-Ctrl-F) which functions somewhat like the Find command in FileMaker, with these differences:
-a- These operations are not available in the ClarisWorks Find mode:
Ranges(...) within a field
-b- Finding on text finds embedded characters as well as words that start with those text characters. For example, finding "sm" in the Last Name field finds all records that contain "sm" anywhere in any word in the Last Name field (Smith, Blacksmith, etc.)
-c- Math operators do not work in text fields. For example, entering ">=S" will not find any records. To search text using math operators, see the info on Match Records.

3. Match records (Organize menu; Command-M). This lets you enter a search formula, like:


After using Match Records, the found records are selected, but all records, selected and unselected, are still browsed. Usually, you'll want to use the Hide Unselected or Hide Selected command immediately after using Match Records.

TIP: If you are using ClarisWorks 1.0, while the Match Records dialog is open, select the formula, then Copy (Cmd-C/Ctrl-C). You can then reselect Match Records and Paste the formula back into this dialog box, so you won't have to enter the formula from scratch. ClarisWorks 2.0 retains the last formula when you enter "Match Records" again.

TIP: Finding a range of Records
You can find ranges using the Match Records method with the AND function.
For example, this formula:
AND('LastName' >= "D", 'LastName' <= "F")
finds the records where the first character in the last name field is D, E or F.

TIP: Finding blank records
The ISBLANK function detects records where a field is blank. In Match Records, the formula:
ISBLANK ('LastName')
will select all records where the LastName field is blank.

TIP: Finding duplicate records
To identify duplicate records, you could create a sub-summary report by the field you want to find duplicates on and include a summary field which counts. Anything with a count of 2 or more would be a duplicate, which you could manually delete.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012