MacDraw II or MacDraw Pro: Translated DXF File Error Message

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
A DXF file translated to MacDraw II using CGT may result in an error message when opened into MacDraw II or MacDraw Pro.
MacDraw II error message:
"This document contains some objects not recognized by this verison of MacDraw II...".
The file will open if the OK button is clicked.

MacDraw Pro error message:
"Sorry, there are issues communicating with the translator 'MacDraw II 1.1'."
The file will not translate into MacDraw II at all.

These error messages occur because there are points (point objects) in the DXF file that CGT is translating into the MacDraw II file. There are two workarounds to this issue.
Solution #1:
Use CGT to translate the DXF file to a Claris CAD file. Open the Claris CAD file in Claris CAD 2.0. Save the file as a MacDraw II file. This file will read correctly into MacDraw Pro.
Solution #2:
Turn off the points in Autocad, then do a DXF out. This may cause the points not to be exported to DXF. CGT can convert this DXF to a MacDraw II file that can be translated by MacDraw Pro.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012