Use the following formula to calculate an age given a birth date. This formula will work in a ClarisWorks Database document given a field named Birthdate, or in a ClarisWorks Spreadsheet document or ClarisImpact Table Model using a cell reference rather than a field name.
Age (Calculation, Number result)
=YEAR (NOW()) - YEAR ('Birthdate') - (IF (NOW ()<DATE (YEAR (NOW ()), MONTH ('Birthdate'), DAY ('Birthdate')),1,0))
This formula subtracts the year of birth from the current year and subtracts an additional year when the month and day of birth fall between Jan 1 and the current month and day (since the person hasn't had their birthday yet).
To calculate the age in years and months:
Some teachers need to be able to calculate a student's age for placement reasons. This series of calculations will allow you to enter a birth date and calculate the age in years and months.
Birthdate (Date)
Interim (Calculation, Number result) = NOW()-'birth date'
Month (Calculation, Number result) = ROUND(MOD('interim',365.25)/30,0)
Year (Calculation, Number result) = INT('interim'/365.25)
Output (Calculation, Text result) = CONCAT('Year'," Years ",'Month'," Months")
One caveat: This calculation will fix the age to the date that the birth date was entered. To update, go to define fields, double click the field description and press OK and Done to recalculate.