When writing a Claris Resolve script, it is sometimes necessary to determine if a particular worksheet is open. The NAME function will return the name of the current worksheet (if the current selection is a cell). When several worksheets are open, however, there is no built-in command to determine the names of all the open documents.
One technique you can use to determine whether a worksheet is currently open requires that a dummy function be placed into the Worksheet Script of each file you what to check for:
RETURN 1 {this line is not really necessary}
You can then call this function from a script and check for the existence of an error. If an error is returned, the worksheet is not open.
IF ISERR(Worksheet1:isOpen()) {replace Worksheet1 with the name of the worksheet}
MESSAGE "The worksheet is not open"
MESSAGE "The worksheet is open"
In this example, we are simply displaying a message. Replace the message commands with code to perform the necessary operations for each case.