ClarisWorks v1.0v3: Release Notes

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
The following issues were fixed in version 1.0v3 of ClarisWorks:


1. In 32-bit mode with 18 or more MB of memory, closing the Help menu corrupts the heap.
2. If a stationery document is anywhere on the hard disk but at the root level, the ClarisWorks Stationery filter in the Open dialog will not see it.
3. Empower II 4.0 prevents ClarisWorks from opening saved files.
4. ClarisWorks could not handle upper ASCII characters as command shortcuts.
5. On the Macintosh SE/Classic , ClarisWorks will not use the LCAL setting for eight color palette width the first time you click on it.
6. When ClarisWorks is used with FileGuard installed, it is impossible to open documents.

Word Processor

1. If space between columns is increased and you change the size of text in the footer, it thrashes the columns created.
2. If a Change All for a Footnote is done in the Footnote panel, the application will crash with a Bus error.
3. Enter a underlined text into first and third line of a document. Printing this document to a StyleWriter or Personal LaserWriter LS prints a dot at the start of the second line.
4. Printing TrueType Fonts to StyleWriter or Personal LaserWriter LS puts an extra space at the start of a new paragraph.
5. When a MacWrite II document that used Auto Hyphenate is imported into ClarisWorks, formatting becomes corrupted.
6. There are compatibility issues running Thunder 7.
7. There are various repagination issues including very slow pagination on large documents.


1. Create some and hide some records. Go to the Find mode, type text, check the Omit Check box, click All. It will only find the records from the visible (not ALL) records.
2. Create a spreadsheet frame with data and select Open Frame. The Make Chart menu is dimmed.
3. Create a summary field, go to Layout and create a new layout. The Body parts shifts down .5" in.
4. Omitting multiple records causes all data in the database to be found.
5. Sliding does not always work when printing to an ImageWriter.


1. Freehand or smoothed polygons do not print on a DeskWriter C.
2. Line widths all print the same width on a DeskWriter C.
3. There are issues printing filled smooth polygons when you are NOT using Print Monitor.
4. There are some issues printing objects with fill patterns. They are not WYSIWYG.


1. Creating a 3-D bar chart with data that includes a zero. If you select LOG, system will crash.
2. Formulas on an AppleWorks 3.0 spreadsheet do not import correctly and/or sometimes missing.
3. Under certain circumstances, you will receive BADRANGE in cell A1.
4. Sorting does not work correctly in a column with formulas that contain Division or Multiplication operators.
5. StDev function cannot reference more than 181 cells.
6. Cannot use underscore or dash characters.
7. Some gradualness print more heavily than others when printing to a LaserWriter.
8. Mr. Bus Error will cause a spreadsheet to crash when opening a SYLK file.
9. There are issues saving files out as Excel 3.0 and then opening them back up.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012