MacDraw Pro: Opening MacDraw 1.9.x Files using HyperCard

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
This is fixed in MacDraw Pro 1.5

Using HyperCard to open MacDraw 1.9.x documents in MacDraw Pro 1.0v1 does not work.

This command should launch MacDraw Pro and open a MacDraw 1.9.x file named MDdoc:

"Open MDdoc with MacDraw Pro"
Instead, it opens a blank, untitled document.

This command works correctly for all other openable file types. For example:
"Open MW2doc with MacDrawPro"
will open a file named MW2doc into MacDraw Pro, even if this file is an EPSF, TIFF, PICT, MacWrite II or any other openable file.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012