ClarisWorks: Letter Grades from Test Scores

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
With the advent of many teachers using the ClarisWorks spreadsheet environment to calculate letter grades, there's a need for a calculation to handle this situation. The basic problem is that I have a number in a cell less than or equal to 100 and I'd like to calculate a letter grade in another cell based on this number. The ranges are easy to change and the ones used in this formula are:

90 to 100 is an "A"
80 to 89 is a "B"
70 to 79 is a "C"
60 to 69 is a "D"
0 to 59 is an "F"

Here is the actual calculation which is indented & put on separate lines only for ease of reading:

= IF(A6>=90,"A" ,
IF(AND(A6>=80,A6<90),"B" ,
IF(AND(A6>=70,A6<80),"C" ,
IF(AND(A6>=60,A6<70),"D","F" ))))

So if there are numbers in column A, for example, type the formula above into cell B1 & copy & paste it into the remaining cells in column B.

Another solution is to use the Lookup or VLookup function. These functions are explained in the ClarisWorks Handbook.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012