When a Claris CAD file containing dimensions is translated to DXF, then opened in AutoCAD, small X's show up in unexpected places. The X's are points that are associated with the dimensions in Claris CAD. These points are not displayed in Claris CAD but do exist and therefore they are translated through DXF.
We need to translate these points because we do not know if they are from a dimension or if they were created by the user. We set AutoCAD's points display mode to "ON" in our attempt to display everything that is translated. The AutoCAD user can turn off points display by changing "PDMODE" to 0. Use the following commands to do this:
PDMODE<return> (PDMODE should be set to 3)
0 <return>
You must then force a redraw for the file to update with the X's hidden. The redraw command will not accomplish this task. The easiest way to do this is to Zoom In then back out again.