If you would like to find a range of names, based on the first letter of the last name, here are some methods.
Given that your database has a text field named "Last Name", the following Match Records formulas will find the last names from A thru C. The Match records command is in the Organize menu.
OR(LEFT('Last name',1)="A",LEFT('Last name',1)="B",LEFT('Last name',1)="C")
or you can use:
AND(LEFT('Last name',1)>="A",LEFT('Last name',1)<="C")
The LEFT function is taking the first character of the 'Last name' field for comparison purposes.
Notice that fields are surrounded by a single quote (ie 'Last name') and that text for comparison is surrounded by double quotes (ie "A").
If you are using ClarisWorks 1.0, once you click OK in Match Records dialog box, you lose the formula. (Version 2.0 of ClarisWorks will retain the formula when you reenter Match Records). You may want to select the formula first and copy it to the clipboard. Searches you do on a routine basis could be pasted into your scrapbook.
If you are doing the search for mail merge purposes, note the following:
- After you've clicked OK and selected the appropriate records, be sure to choose Hide Unselected from the Organize menu or your mail merge document will print a letter for the unselected records as well.