Claris Resolve has the ability to reference cells and ranges in another open worksheet. These references are not hot linked (They do not update automatically. See Below for updating info.).
To enter a reference, start the reference with the name of the worksheet and a colon.
= B3 + Worksheet2:B9
This will add the contents of cells B3 through B9 from the worksheet "Worksheet2"
If the worksheet has a name with a space in it, you must enclose the ENTIRE reference with single quotations.
='Home Budget:C6'
To use a range reference, you must be using a formula that requires a range. All other external references reference a single cell. If you need to refer to a range without using a function, enter the range's first cell as the reference, select a range in your worksheet the same size as the external range and choose Fill Down and Fill Right. Claris Resolve will paste the values of the external range into the worksheet.
One note: If external data changes, you MUST choose Calculate Now to update your worksheet.