ClarisWorks: Open/Save Dialog Does Not Update

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
There is an incompatibility between Directory Assistance II 2.0, included with Symantec's Norton Utilities for the Macintosh, and ClarisWorks.

If you choose Open and click Import, when you change the radio buttons from ClarisWorks to another choice (such as Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Graphics, etc.) the window will not update to show the appropriate files available for opening.

You can force ClarisWorks to redraw the list by backing out of the folder you are in and then reentering it.

Another solution is to disable Directory Assistance. To do this, select "Directory Assistance Settings..." from the "diamond" menu in the upper left hand corner of the Open/Save dialog. Click on the turned up page corner to go to the second page of preferences and check "Bypass Directory Assistance." Directory Assistance will be disabled whenever you use ClarisWorks.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012