MacDraw Pro: Command Option Spacebar doesn‘t Show / Hide the Tool Bar

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
In the US version of MacDraw Pro 1.0/1.5, command-option-space shows / hides the tool bar. This works correctly with System 6. However, with System 7, command-option-spacec is used to switch keyboard layouts. Thus, when running MacDraw Pro on a computer with System 7 and multiple key layouts, command-option-space activates the Keyboard cDev instead of showing/hiding the tool bar.

In MacDraw Pro 1.5v2, a second keyboard command (command-option-tab) has been added to show / hide the toolbar. Use this keyboard command with System 7.

Non-US versions of MacDraw Pro do NOT use command-option spacebar to show/hide the tool bar, in order to avoid this conflict. Non-British international versions use various keyboard shortcuts other than command-option-spacebar. The British version has no shortcut at all to show/hide the tool bar.

This is fixed in MacDraw Pro 1.5v2
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012