Here is some information from Fifth Generation Tech Support (800) 766-7283
Current ver.- 3.1 rel. May 93. System 7.1 compatible.
Previous version - 3.0, Feb 92. ONLY version compatible with Sys. 7.0
Previous versions are NOT compatible with Sys 7 and are NOT 32 bit clean.
General Requirements: (all versions)
Must have Postscript printer that is compatible w/Apple LaserWriter driver.
SLS creates copy of driver called "SLS copy LaserWriter" which it uses, old driver is still kept. Ver. 3.0 dynamically takes needed memory from system heap then releases it when job is finished. Prior versions take amount as specified in "Set Up' from "LaserQue DA". Maximum allowed user set buffer is 1mg (probably desired setting when using MD).
Known Conflicts are: Backgrounder, Easy Access, Gate Keeper and MacroMaker
Fifth Generation business number is (504) 291-7221