ClarisWorks: Templates for Educators

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
ClarisWorks for Teachers
ClarisWorks for Teachers is a 150-page tutorial and disk published by Claris which takes you step-by-step through the process of preparing a memo for parents, producing a science laboratory report, creating a two-page newsletter, creating a room layout, creating a gradebook, and building a student data base. The tutorials in this book help you develop skills with ClarisWorks. Claris designed the book to supplement the ClarisWorks documentation.

ClarisWorks for Teachers is available from Claris for $29. Claris Corporation, Box 526, Santa Clara, CA 95052; (800) 544-8554; Fax: (408) 655-6099.

ClarisWorks in the Classroom
Prepared by the North York (Ontario, Canada) Board of Education, ClarisWorks in the Classroom contains comprehensive lesson plans for twenty language arts, social studies, mathematics, and science lessons that use ClarisWorks. Published by Claris, this 160-page guide is filled with ideas that can help teachers integrate computers into the elementary and secondary school curriculum. The package includes sample files on a disk and pages you can photocopy for use as handouts or overhead transparencies for your lessons.

ClarisWorks in the Classroom lists for $29. Available after January 15, 1993.

Essentials of ClarisWorks
Jan Harrington
This 270-page student textbook and associated ClarisWorks data disk is the newest in the series of popular "Essentials of..." books published by Course Technology. "Essentials of ClarisWorks" includes an introduction to Macintosh computing and step-by-step instructions that describe how to use the ClarisWorks environments. Each chapter concludes with a series of exercises where you practice the skills you just learned. Cost is $29. Amy Oliver, Course Technology, Inc., 1 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02142; (800) 648-7450; Fax: (617) 225-7976.

Hands-On ClarisWorks
Arthur Leuhrmann and Herb Peckham
This 496-page textbook is designed for a half-year course in grades seven and above on word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphics, and communications using ClarisWorks. The Hands-On ClarisWorks package includes the textbook, a copyable data disk with dozens of sample files referenced in the book, a 96-page teacher's guide, and a set of reproduction masters. Cost is $32.95. A sub-set of Hands-On ClarisWorks entitled "ClarisWorks Word Processing" is also available for $24.95. Teachers can examine either set for 30 days without obligation. Then you either pay for or return the sample materials. Computer Literacy Press, 5750H Obata Way, Gilroy, CA 95020; (800) 225-5413; Fax: (408) 848-1483.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012