The Global Village PowerPort modem (internal PowerBook modem) has problems with PBX dial tones (the dial tone you get before you dial 9 to get an outside line). If you encounter this problem using ClarisWorks communications module with your PowerPort modem, you will need to follow these steps:
1. Create a new ClarisWorks communications document.
2. Choose Connections from the Settings menu.
3. Change the method tool from Apple Modem Tool to the Serial Tool. This is necessary because the Apple Modem Tool automatically begins a session by sending the ATDT command and the number you provide, so you cannot modify the ATDT command.
4. Make sure all other communications settings are correct for the host you will be calling.
5. Choose Open Connection from the Session menu.
6. Type ATX1DT 9, and the phone number you want to dial. X1 modifies the ATDT command to ignore the dial tone. You will not see what you type unless Local Echo is turned on in terminal settings.