MacDraw Pro: MathType Character Placement Problem

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
When equations from Design Science, Inc. Mathtype 3.0 software are copied and pasted into MacDraw Pro 1.5, some characters are shifted down, both on screen and print. If you paste the equation into a program that pastes the equation as a single graphic object, instead of interpreting and pasting each object within the equation, it will view and print correctly.

These programs include most word processors and page layout programs, and ClarisWorks. According to technical support at Design Science, this is due to the limitations of PICT format, where the placement of each object is aligned to a 72 dpi grid. This can cause the position of the individual objects in the equation to be shifted to align to the grid, when pasted into other programs.

The best workaround is to save as an EPSF file from MathType, then place this file into MacDraw Pro. The EPSF will print correctly.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012