ClarisWorks: Renumbering or Adding Serial Numbers to Database

Methods for adding serial numbers to new and existing databases.

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
ClarisWorks 1.0vX does not have a feature for auto-entering serial numbers into database fields. Even in ClarisWorks 2.0 - 3.0, which allows auto entry of serial numbers on creation of new records, imported records will not be serialized. However, there is a procedure you can use to do this.

There are 2 methods for serializing an existing ClarisWorks database. Method 1 is easier. Method 2 is more complete in that it preserves command-tab and carriage return characters within text fields. If you use command-tab to align your data inside a field, the database data would go into the wrong column when pasting into the spreadsheet for serialization. Carriage returns within a field would be seen as a new record(row) symbol by the spreadsheet. Therefore, if you use command-tabs and returns in fields, you need to use Method 2.

Initial Steps
Define a field in the existing database called "SerialNumber." Make sure that the field type is specified as Number.

Use the Save As... command to create a copy of the database in DIF format with a new name. Perhaps "Original.dif". (System 7 Mac Tip: Press Command-D first to save the file to the Desktop where it will be easy to find later.

Choose the Open command, (click the Import Options flag in version 1.0), select Spreadsheet for document type, and open the DIF file you just saved previously.

In the column titled "SerialNumber," type the number 1 in the cell just below SerialNumber. Then click in the cell immediately below the number 1, type the equals key, click on the cell above (with the number 1 in it) and add "+1" (no quotes) to your formula. Hit the enter key.

Select the cell that now reads "2" and drag down to the end of the data in the spreadsheet document. Select Fill Down from the Calculate menu.

Continued (Method 1)
- Click on the Row 1 Header to select the entire row.
- Choose Delete Cells from the Calculate menu (we don't want to create a record of field names).
- Option click the box above the Row 1 Header (this selects all cells with data) and Copy.
- Switch back to the database file and Save As a different name (a backup just in case).
- Select All and Clear to delete all records in the database.
- Paste.

Continued (Method 2)
Select Save As... and save the file as a DIF file with a new name. Perhaps "Serialized.DIF". (System 7 Mac Tip: Command D first.)

Select Open from the File menu, (click the Import Options flag in version 1.0), select Database for document type and open the DIF file you just saved previously. A new database will be created, with the serial number field included.

Change the name of the serial number field to Serial Number in the Define Fields dialog. Be sure it's type is "number".

Select all of the records in the database. Copy. Switch back to the original database. Paste.

To delete the duplicate records created:
Under the Organize menu, select Match Records.... Use the formula:
ISBLANK("Serial Number")
Now with those records selected, choose Clear from the Edit menu.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012