There is a public domain software package called "CAP" (Columbia AppleTalk Package) available from Columbia University that allows a UNIX host to communicate using ATP (AppleTalk Transport Protocol), ASP (AppleTalk Session Protocol), PAP (Printer Access Protocol), NBP (Name Binding Protocol), and AFP (AppleTalk Filing Protocol--the client side). This package also includes software called "AUFS" (AppleTalk Filing Protocol UNIX File Server), which is the server part of AFP.
With CAP and AUFS installed in a Macintosh IIfx running A/UX, we believe you can turn a it into an AppleShare File/Print server.
A/UX 3.0 supports System 7's File Share utility, enabling the system to
export both UNIX and Macintosh filesystems to AppleShare clients. It does not support Printer spooling.
The Apple Workgroup Server 95 runs AppleShare Pro and AppleShare Print Server software.
Article Change History:
22 Sep 1994 - Reviewed. Added info on AWS 95.
31 Aug 1992 - Reviewed.
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