MacDraw Pro: About Version 1.5v2

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
MacDraw Pro 1.5v2 is identical to 1.5v1 with the following exceptions:

1. The application and EPSF translator have been updated to fix these problems:
-- Text disappears when clicking out of a text box to which font, size or paragraph attributes were applied via dialog before typing any text.
-- The Installer did not correctly overwrite the existing MacDraw Pro Help and Claris Help System files, resulting in files named MacDraw Pro Help.2 and Claris Help System.2.
-- The Installer did not install the MacDraw Pro Help file in the Claris folder. It is installed in the Application folder.
-- The Easy Install option did not recognize system 7.1 as a valid system and did not allow an easy install.
-- EPSF images print distorted or reduced in size if they are first imported and saved as MacDraw Pro version 1.0 using the its EPSF filter, then the document is opened and printed in MacDraw Pro 1.5v1.
-- Gridlines display as solid black lines when running system 6.0.x in millions color mode with the screen buffer turned off.
-- Command-Option-Space does not hide and show the tool and style palettes when running system 7.1. Command-Option-Tab added as a duplicate keyboard shortcut for use with 7.1.
-- System crashed when sending an oapp Apple event with when the application is running without a document open.
-- Compatibility with QuickTime 1.5.
-- Gray Scale images saved to EPSF, had incorrect information and print B&W or not at all.
-- Certain applications create open polygons such that when they are saved to PICT and opened in MacDraw Pro they are incorrectly closed.

Occurred in MacDraw Pro 1.0 also.
-- PICT rounding error results in clipped objects when imported or pasted in MS-WORD, MacWrite, etc.
2. The installer script on the installer disk has been updated to correctly over-write the MacDraw Pro Help, MacDraw Pro HyperTour files and older Claris Help System files and place the MacDraw Pro Help file in the Claris Folder.
3. The Claris Help System file on the Help disk has is no longer stuffed in a StuffIt Archive.
4. The EPSF filter stuffed on the Reference disk in the translator folder has been updated to version 1.0v4.
5. The Read Me file on the installer disk has been update to include MacDraw Pro 1.5v2 changes.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012