Claris Applications: International Dictionaries

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Claris currently provides dictionaries in twelve languages, available separately for US$49 each, and available through Claris Customer Assistance:

U.S. English, British, French, German, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German(Swiss), Italian, Norwegian, and Swedish.

Languages which include a hyphenation file:
U.S. English, British, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish

Languages which include a thesaurus:
Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German(Swiss), Italian, Norwegian, and Swedish.

The British Dictionary provides a total of 100,000 words, the French, German and Spanish provide over 200,000 words.

Claris products allow you to install only one international dictionary at a time, with the exception of MacWrite Pro. You may install as many international dictionaries as you wish with MacWrite Pro. By assigning language "styles" to text, each portion of your document will be spell checked with the correct dictionary. Other Claris applications require you to switch the installed dictionary via the Install Dictionaries command in the Edit menu.

International dictionaries can be used with any version of the following Claris products: ClarisWorks, ClarisImpact, MacWrite II 1.1, MacWrite Pro, FileMaker Pro, MacDraw II 1.1, MacDraw Pro, MacProject II 2.x, and MacProject Pro.

MacWrite Pro 1.5 and ClarisWorks 2.1 require an updated dictionary and thesaurus. A Main Dictionary 2.3 update and an International Hyphenation update which includes French, Spanish, German, Italian, Swedish, and British hyphenation files is available in Claris online forums on CompuServe, America Online, AppleLink and the Claris BBS (408-987-7421, settings 8/N/1). A disk is also available through Claris Customer Assistance.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012