Claris Resolve: Date Conversion Formula for Incorrect Dates

I have a column of imported data that I need to convert to a valid date. For example, cell A1 contains 600827 which really represents the date 08/27/60. How do I convert it?

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Here's a formula that will convert the data to a valid date of 08/27/60.

=Date (1900+Value (Left (Str (A1),2)),Value (Mid (Str (A1),3,2)), Value (Right (Str (A1),2)))

By means of explanation.
The Left (), Right () and Mid () functions are used to strip out values in certain positions.
These functions require a text value, so the Str () function is used to convert the numbers to text.

The Date () function, however, requires numbers as arguments, so the values returned by the Left (), Right () and Mid () functions need to be converted back to numbers by use of the ValueÊ() function.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012