MacDraw Pro: Can‘t Import EPSF from Freehand 3.0/3.1

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
MacDraw Pro 1.0 and 1.5 will not import EPSF files from Freehand 3.1 that have a PICT Preview. When attempting to import, a "not enough memory" alert may be displayed (among other symptoms). These EPSF images will import correctly into FileMaker Pro 2.0 and ClarisWorks 1.0 (since neither of these programs attempts to parse out the objects in a PICT on import, these programs may be more 'forgiving' of the format of the PICT Preview). Two workarounds:

1- Export the EPSF from Freehand 3.1 without a PICT Preview, then import into MacDraw Pro.

2- Try option-copying the image from Freehand, then pasting into MacDraw Pro.

According to Claris SQA, Freehand uses fixed point numbers in their EPS boundaries, rather than integers, as specified in the Adobe EPS spec.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012