ClarisWorks: How to Use your AppleWorks Files

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
ClarisWorks was designed to make it easy for you to use information from other programs, including AppleWorks and AppleWorks GS. Most documents appear on your ClarisWorks screen much as they did in AppleWorks, with all formatting and formulas intact. Once converted, you can use ClarisWorks to make whatever changes you want.

You follow two basic steps to use your AppleWorks files with ClarisWorks:

1. Transfer the file from the Apple II disk to your Macintosh disk.

2. Translate the file into ClarisWorks format.

Transferring the File
There are several methods you can use to copy the data from Apple II diskettes to your Macintosh. Here are three of the most popular:

Apple File Exchange
Apple File Exchange is a utility that came with your Macintosh. It controls your Macintosh floppy drive in a way that lets it read 3.5-inch floppy disks from other computers.

AppleTalk Networks
Many schools have networks set up to share printers, files, and other resources. If you have a network, you just save your work on an AppleShare file server. Any Macintosh can connect to that server and copy the file to its own hard disk.

Macintosh LC with the IIe Emulation Card
The emulation card comes with software that lets your Macintosh read Apple II diskettes directly, as if they were Macintosh disks. You just insert your Apple II disk and drag the AppleWorks files to your hard disk.

Translating the File
Once the Apple II files are stored on the Macintosh hard disk, you can read them with ClarisWorks. But you can't just double-click them. Your Macintosh will try to look for ÒAppleWorksÓ on your computer. It probably won't find it and you'll get a message similar to, The file could not be opened, because the application program that created it could not be found.

Instead you open the files from within ClarisWorks, using the Open command and the Import Options.

After you translate your file, you'll want to take a couple moments 'cleaning up' the document so it makes the best use of your fonts and other formatting capabilities in ClarisWorks.

A Sample Conversion Session
If you open your hard disk and create a folder called 'From Apple II,' your converted files will be easier to find.

Part One: Transfer the Data
1. Open up Apple File Exchange. The contents of your Macintosh hard disk will appear on the left. (You might need to copy Apple File Exchange from one of the System Software disks that came with your computer. System 7 users can find it on the 'Tidbits' disk. If you are using System 7.5 please call Apple Customer Assistance for a copy of Apple File Exchange)

2. Insert your AppleWorks data disk into a drive. You'll see the contents of the disk appear on the right-hand list. New menu options will appear at the top of the screen.

3. Check the 'ProDOS to Mac' menu. If there is a choice for 'AppleWorks to Microsoft Works,' remove the check mark next to that option, or the files will not convert properly.

4. If you made a folder called 'From Apple II' on your hard disk, find it in the list on the left and open it.

5. For each file you want to convert, click on the name of the file, then click 'Translate.' In figure CW-1, the AppleWorks spreadsheet file 'HOME.BUDGET' is about to be copied to the Mac hard disk.

A progress bar will appear to let you know how the transfer is progressing. When you've converted all the files you want, you can quit Apple File Exchange. Your Apple II disk will automatically eject from the computer.

Part Two: Translate the Data
You open up your AppleWorks files from within ClarisWorks (remember, you can't double-click them from the desktop yet).

1. Launch ClarisWorks. Since you don't want to create a new document, click 'Cancel.'

2. Select 'Open' from the File menu.

3. Click on the Import Options lever. You'll see the screen in figure CW-2. ClarisWorks needs to know how you want to use files you import. For instance, if you're opening an AppleWorks spreadsheet file, you should click the 'spreadsheet' button.

4. If you set up the 'From Apple II' folder, find it in the list and open it (System 7 users can click the 'Desktop' button to make it easier to find this folder).

When you open the 'From Apple II' folder, you should see all the AppleWorks spreadsheet files you translated. To see other kinds of files, click the other radio buttons.

5. Select one of the Apple II files you transferred and click 'Open.'

ClarisWorks begins reading the file and making the internal changes needed to use the file with ClarisWorks. When it's done, the file will appear on your screen as 'HOME BUDGET (converted)' and you can work with it just like any other ClarisWorks file after you save it. You can even double-click it from the Mac desktop.

Translating AppleWorks GS Files
ClarisWorks can read AppleWorks word processor, database, and spreadsheet files. It can also read AppleWorks GS (AWGS) word processor files directly. But AWGS spreadsheet and database files must be saved as text before ClarisWorks can read them. Unfortunately, AWGS graphics, communication, and page layout files cannot be easily transferred.

Here are a couple tips for handling files that aren't directly supported by ClarisWorks:

* To preserve formulas in your spreadsheet, turn on the option for 'View Formulas' in AWGS. When you save as text, the formulas, and not the results, will be saved. ClarisWorks will see the formulas and convert them.

* Your AWGS graphics documents can be translated with help from another program. Save them in APF (Apple Preferred Format). Then use an Apple IIGS utility called 'SuperConvert' to change them into 'TIFF' format. You can transfer TIFF files to the Macintosh and use the Insert command to add them to your document. [SuperConvert!, by Seven Hills software, is available from Quality Computers (800) 443-6697.]
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012