Microsoft Windows 3.1: Updating Printer Driver

This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
Please review all READ ME and license agreements before installing printer drivers.

Obtaining and Expanding the Drivers

You can obtain updated Windows 3.1 printer drivers in one of two ways: either on floppy disk or by downloading the files from a BBS. If you download the drivers, first create a subdirectory on your hard disk called C:\\DRIVERS and download the files to this subdirectory. If you obtain the drivers on a floppy disk, create a subdirectory on your hard disk called C:\\DRIVERS and copy the files from your floppy to this subdirectory.

Microsoft distributes its drivers as compressed files within a single executable file. To decompress the drivers, run the executable file after you've copied it to the C:\\DRIVERS subdirectory on your hard disk.

For example, Microsoft ships the Universal Printer driver for the HP LaserJet III in an executable file called HPPCL5.EXE. Copy or download this file to the C:\\DRIVERS subdirectory, then change to that subdirectory and double-click on HPPCL5.EXE from Windows' File Manager or type HPPCL5 at the "C:\\DRIVERS\\>" DOS prompt. The executable file expands the drivers and supporting files into the C:\\DRIVERS subdirectory. Do NOT copy these files to the Windows or Windows\\System subdirectories.

Installing the Expanded Printer Driver

1. In the Windows Main group, choose the Control Panel icon.

2. In Control Panel, choose the Printers icon.

The Printers dialog box appears. If you have never installed a printer, the dialog box expands to display a list of printers available in the Windows version 3.1 package, and the Add button is unavailable; skip to step 4. If you are updating an existing printer, select the printer driver you want to replace and click the Remove button.

3. Click the Add button. The dialog box will expand to display the List Of Printers.

4. In the List Of Printers box, select Install Unlisted or Updated Printer.

5. Click the Install button. A dialog box appears, instructing you to insert the disk that has the printer-driver file on it.

6. Insert the disk you made during the downloading procedure, or type the path of the directory where you downloaded the driver, e.g., C:\\DRIVERS. Then click the OK button.

Another dialog box appears, listing several printers.

7. In the List Of Printers box, select the printer you want.

8. Click the OK button. The Printers dialog box appears. Your printer is listed in the Installed Printers list.

9. Click the Close button.

10. For instructions on how to configure your printer, see Chapter 5, "Control Panel," in the "Microsoft Windows User's Guide."

Updating the Microsoft Universal Printer Driver (UNIDRV.DLL)

The Microsoft Windows Driver Library includes the most current version of the Universal Printer Driver. To update UNIDRV.DLL:

1 Change to the disk or directory to which you downloaded, e.g., C:\\DRIVERS.

2 At the MS-DOS prompt, type: copy unidrv.dll <path>

where <path> is the drive and directory containing your existing unidrv.dll file. This overwrites your existing UNIDRV.DLL file.

Updating the Microsoft Postscript Driver (PSCRIPT.DRV)

The Windows Driver Library includes the most current version of the Microsoft Postscript Driver. To update PSCRIPT.DRV:

1 Change to the disk or directory to which you downloaded, e.g., C:\\DRIVERS.

2 At the MS-DOS prompt, type: copy pscript.drv <path>

where <path> is the drive and directory containing your existing pscript.drv file. This overwrites your existing PSCRIPT.DRV file.

Additional Information

Microsoft Windows Product Support Number (206) 637-7098
Microsoft BBS (206) 936-6735 or (206) 637-9009
Claris BBS (408) 987-7421

Microsoft Windows 3.1 User's Guide: Pages 214, 201-205
Microsoft Windows 3.0 User's Guide: Pages 173-174, 158-162
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012